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Call 0414 640 003
Dr Nick Benton and Dr Tim Lu specialise in the assessment, diagnosis and management of Rheumatic disease.
Both Dr Benton and Dr Lu live and work locally providing a service to the local community through their work as Physicians at the Northern Beaches Hospital and Hornsby Hospital.
Both Doctors bring decades of clinical experience to the Beaches Rheumatology practice, centred around a customised and caring approach.
Dr Jeremy Wang joined Beaches Rheumatology in 2022 and is also available for consultations.
Our Specialists //
Dr Nick Benton
Nick is a Rheumatologist and specialist General Physician. He trained at St George’s Hospital, London and at Auckland City Hospital in New Zealand.
He brings a wealth of broad clinical experience to the team and is particularly interested in early inflammatory arthritis, connective tissue disease and gout.
He has experience in musculoskeletal imaging, particularly in MRI and musculoskeletal ultrasound.
He has undertaken research into early inflammatory arthritis and has published work in the field of musculoskeletal imaging.
He also holds an appointment in General Medicine at Hornsby Hospital where he is a senior staff specialist and head of Medicine.
Nick enjoys cycling, bush walking and camping.

Dr Tim Lu
Thorough and caring, with a highly personalised approach to his patients, Tim is a Rheumatologist and Consultant Physician at Northern Beaches Hospital. He is the Osteoporosis Clinic Director at the Northern Beaches Hospital.
Tim has international experience working at University College London Hospital. His research has included publication of articles in numerous respected journals. He is also a clinical senior lecturer at The University of Sydney.
Tim enjoys treating a wide range of rheumatic diseases and has special expertise in inflammatory arthritis, osteoporosis, lupus and musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging. He also speaks Mandarin.
On weekends, Tim enjoys cycling, swimming and spending time with his young family.

Dr Jeremy Wang
Jeremy graduated from the University of Sydney School of Medicine in 2014. He subsequently undertook Rheumatology training through Westmead, John Hunter and Wollongong Hospitals. He obtained his FRACP in 2021.
He is interested in various inflammatory joint diseases, autoimmune connective tissue disorders and vasculitides.
During his free time he enjoys jogging in the local park, drawing and playing the 7-stringed zither.